Monday, January 6, 2014


I Am Me. I am happy to be me. I may not be perfect but I am honest, loving and happy. I never try to be anything that I am not and I am not here to impress anyone else I am just me. I am a daughter, a sister, a godmother, a grand daughter, a niece, a cousin, a good friend or try to be, a young girl and a grown woman. I am loving, caring and thoughtful. I am shy, friendly and good hearted. I am a woman, shy and beautiful, funny, loved, smart and sweet. I am patient, calm and nice with a huge heart. When I have problems I turn to my close friends who do their best to cheer me up. I have my flaws to work on but I am human like everyone else. I hurt, cry and laugh to not show how I really feel but when I feel this way I turn to my friends or music to help me Smile and feel better. But I come to realize that I may not be perfect or sexy but I am just me. I have feelings like everyone else and that I a good person inside and out who tries to change for the better. I make mistakes but I learn from them and when I feel upset or lonely I turn to my friends for comfort. I Am Me. Love Me for who I am. Accept me as your friend and know that I am trustworthy and honest. I AM JUST ME.